If you have followed the steps in the How to join guide, you have set up everything to create your first unpublished limited edition content. It is required to have created your artist profile, connected your crypto wallet, and created your smart contract. If this is not the case, go back to the previous guide.
Before starting the release process below, also read the Release tips section.
A simple way to check if everything is perfectly set up is to go to your profile page. If there is a “create you limited edition track” button, you are ready to mint your limited edition content.
- Click on the button, and a window will appear.
- Here, different parameters will be needed:
- Track Name [required] [not changeable]
- Track Description [required] [not changeable]
Add a short description of the exclusive content.
- Track Preview [required]
The preview is 30s. Insert the second at which the preview should start.
e.g if the preview start at 01:03 = 63s, insert 63
- Audio File [required] [not changeable]
Two different file formats are accepted: MP3 and WAV. To enhance audio quality and user experience, we recommend using the WAV file format. Currently, the maximum allowed file size is 100MB. If the file you wish to upload exceeds this limit or for any inquiries, please contact us.
- Cover Image [required] [not changeable]
The maximum allowed file size is 20MB. If the file you wish to upload exceeds this limit or for any inquiries, please contact us.
- Supply [required] [not changeable]
The supply denotes the predefined quantity of editions you intend to create, representing the maximum number of users who can collect your track before the secondary market.